Acera Health

OCD Self Test

Reviewed by: Melody Stone
Anxious emotional young woman talking to her psychologist

Living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) presents unique challenges that permeate every aspect of life, demanding a nuanced understanding and approach to care. Acera Health is dedicated to offering this through our residential mental health facility, where we provide a supportive environment tailored for individuals grappling with OCD. Recognizing the early signs and symptoms of OCD is crucial, as it affects approximately 1.2% of people nationally, marking it as a significant concern within mental health care. Our OCD Self Test on this page serves as an initial step for individuals to assess their experiences against the backdrop of OCD symptoms, encouraging the pursuit of professional evaluation and care if needed.

This self-assessment is designed to guide you through a series of questions that reflect on the frequency and impact of potential OCD-related thoughts and behaviors. It’s a preliminary tool that offers insights and highlights the need for further professional support if necessary. At Acera Health, we understand taking this first step can be daunting, but it’s a crucial move toward recovery. Whether the test suggests the possibility of OCD or helps provide peace of mind, we are here to support you through the subsequent steps of your journey, ensuring access to compassionate, comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs.




Understanding OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a complex mental health condition characterized by a cycle of recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These behaviors are performed in an attempt to neutralize or manage the distress caused by the obsessions, which can range from fears of contamination to intense worries about harm or the need for things to be in perfect order. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, OCD affects about 1 in every 50 adults in the United States, indicating its significant impact on a considerable portion of the population.

One illustrative aspect of OCD’s complexity is suicidal OCD, where individuals experience intrusive, unwanted thoughts about harming themselves. Distinguishing these thoughts from actual suicidal ideation is crucial; in suicidal OCD, individuals are typically horrified by these thoughts and have no intention of acting on them. This subtype underscores the diverse nature of OCD, where obsessions can severely interfere with an individual’s sense of safety and well-being.

Factors such as stress, changes in routine, or environmental triggers can exacerbate OCD symptoms. Understanding what causes OCD to get worse is vital for individuals and healthcare providers to develop effective strategies for managing the condition. By recognizing these triggers and the wide-ranging impact of OCD, including its various subtypes, we can enhance the support and treatment provided to those affected by this challenging disorder.

Symptoms of OCD

Reflecting the profound impact of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) on individuals, a study from 2020 reported that around 50% of OCD patients had experienced at least one traumatic life event, suggesting a correlation between trauma and the intensity or onset of OCD symptoms. This statistic highlights not only the complexity of OCD but also the diverse triggers that can exacerbate its manifestations, affecting daily functioning and quality of life significantly. The symptoms of OCD, which can vary widely from one person to another, are generally categorized into two main types: obsessions and compulsions. Each category encompasses a range of symptoms with their unique characteristics that can disrupt an individual’s routine, relationships, and overall sense of well-being. Below is a detailed exploration of the common symptoms within these categories:


  • Intrusive Thoughts: Persistent, unwanted thoughts or impulses that cause distress or anxiety.
  • Fears of Contamination: Worries about dirt, germs, or getting sick.
  • Doubts: Repeated doubts about safety, like whether the door is locked or the stove is turned off.
  • Need for Symmetry or Orderliness: A strong desire to have items arranged in a particular way or symmetry.
  • Forbidden Thoughts: Unwanted thoughts, including aggressive, sexual, or religious themes, often seen in “moral OCD.”


  • Cleaning and Washing: Excessive handwashing, showering, or cleaning objects to remove contamination.
  • Checking: Repeatedly checking things (such as locks, appliances, or switches) to prevent harm or ensure safety.
  • Counting: Performing tasks a certain number of times or counting objects for no logical reason.
  • Ordering and Arranging: Needing things to be arranged in a specific, precise way.
  • Repeating Rituals: Repeating routine activities (like going in and out of a doorway) to ensure nothing bad happens.

These symptoms are often performed in response to an obsession or according to rigid rules aimed at reducing distress or preventing a feared event. However, these compulsions are not realistically connected to the problems they aim to fix. The cycle of obsessions and compulsions can consume a significant portion of a person’s day, causing considerable impairment in daily functioning. Understanding the diversity of these symptoms is crucial for the effective identification and management of OCD.

How Acera Health Can Help

At Acera Health, we are deeply committed to supporting individuals grappling with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Our residential treatment facility is designed to offer a comprehensive approach that combines evidence-based therapies with a holistic perspective, ensuring that each person receives care that is tailored to their unique needs and experiences.

Our Treatment Programs

Our residential treatment program is structured to create an environment that fosters recovery and growth, providing a range of services tailored to individuals with OCD:

  • Individual Therapy: We offer one-on-one sessions with experienced therapists who specialize in OCD and related disorders. This includes addressing specific concerns such as “is OCD neurodivergent?” and exploring personalized strategies for managing symptoms.
  • Group Therapy: Our program includes opportunities for clients to share their experiences and coping strategies with others who understand the complexities of living with OCD. This communal support is invaluable in fostering a sense of understanding and belonging.
  • Family Therapy: We believe in the importance of family support in the recovery process. Our family therapy sessions are designed to educate families about OCD, helping them understand how they can best support their loved one through their journey.
  • Medication Management: Under the careful supervision of psychiatric professionals, we evaluate and manage medications that can help reduce OCD symptoms, addressing concerns about what causes OCD to get worse and how to effectively manage the disorder.
  • Holistic Therapies: Recognizing the importance of overall well-being, we incorporate holistic and alternative therapies, such as mindfulness, yoga, and art therapy, into our treatment plans. These therapies are aimed at supporting mental, emotional, and physical health, providing a comprehensive approach to recovery.

If the results of your self-test suggest that you might be experiencing symptoms of OCD, or if you’re seeking support for your mental health, Acera Health is here to assist you. Our team of compassionate professionals is dedicated to providing the care and support you need to navigate your journey to recovery. With a deep understanding of the complexities of OCD, including the nuances of various subtypes and the factors that can exacerbate symptoms, we are committed to helping you find your path to well-being.

OCD Treatment – Acera Health

Recognizing the signs of OCD and understanding when to seek help is a critical step towards recovery. The OCD Self Test is a starting point, not a final diagnosis. At Acera Health, we’re committed to providing a pathway to healing for those affected by OCD, offering a range of treatments within a supportive and understanding environment. If you or someone you know is struggling, reach out to us. Together, we can work towards a life free from the constraints of OCD.

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