Acera Health

Complex PTSD Quiz

Reviewed by: Melody Stone
Silhouette of unrecognizable person standing in sunset light.

The journey towards mental wellness is often marked by the challenge of recognizing and understanding the symptoms of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), a critical step toward healing. At Acera Health, a premier residential mental health treatment center, we are deeply committed to supporting individuals grappling with mental illness, with a particular emphasis on those affected by complex PTSD. This blog is designed to illuminate the path to recognizing complex PTSD by offering a quiz aimed at identifying potential symptoms and discussing how specialized treatment can facilitate a journey to recovery.

Understanding PTSD’s effect on the nervous system is crucial in comprehending how traumatic events alter the body’s natural responses, leading to the symptoms observed in both PTSD and CPTSD. This knowledge is integral to developing effective treatment strategies that address the root causes of these conditions. As we explore how PTSD is neurodivergent, this understanding helps tailor specific therapeutic approaches for those affected.

Recent studies indicate that approximately 6% of the population will experience PTSD at some point in their lives, with a subset of these individuals developing complex PTSD due to prolonged exposure to traumatic events. Complex PTSD, while less well-known than its counterpart PTSD, carries a profound impact on an individual’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. This statistic underscores the critical need for targeted awareness and specialized treatment options to address the unique challenges faced by those with complex PTSD.


What Is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a nuanced psychological disorder that emerges from prolonged, repeated exposure to traumatic events, where the individual feels utterly powerless or entrapped. Distinct from traditional Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which might develop after a single traumatic event or multiple events of a shorter duration, CPTSD is characterized by enduring, multifaceted trauma such as long-term abuse, captivity, or exposure to ongoing conflict. This condition delves more profound than the conventional symptoms associated with PTSD, affecting a broader spectrum of an individual’s emotional, cognitive, and relational well-being.

Individuals grappling with CPTSD may find themselves trapped in deep-seated feelings of shame, enduring states of sadness or hopelessness, and significant challenges in establishing or preserving personal relationships. The complexity of CPTSD also manifests in persistent negative self-perception, difficulty in managing emotions, and a perpetual sense of being threatened or unsafe.

A striking statistic that underscores the profound impact of CPTSD is that studies have found a significant portion of individuals exposed to chronic trauma develop symptoms associated with CPTSD. Specifically, research suggests that up to 8% of individuals exposed to prolonged traumatic circumstances may exhibit signs of CPTSD, highlighting the critical need for recognition and specialized treatment for those affected (Source: International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies).

Moreover, CPTSD extends its influence to cognitive functions, often leading to impairments in attention, memory, and executive functioning, further complicating the lives of those affected. The relational impact of CPTSD cannot be understated, as it severely hampers the ability to form healthy, trusting relationships and can result in a pervasive feeling of isolation or disconnection from others.

Understanding CPTSD’s breadth and depth is vital for both those who may be suffering from the disorder and for healthcare professionals. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of CPTSD is the first step towards seeking effective treatment and support, which can significantly improve the quality of life for those affected. As awareness and research continue to grow, it becomes increasingly possible to offer hope and healing to individuals suffering from the complex aftermath of prolonged trauma.

Complex PTSD vs. PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) are both psychological conditions that arise in the aftermath of traumatic experiences. However, the nature of the trauma and the depth of impact on an individual’s life distinguish these conditions significantly.

Trauma Type

PTSD typically arises from experiencing or witnessing a single traumatic event or a sequence of discrete traumatic events. These incidents, such as natural disasters, serious accidents, or brief exposure to violence, are profound enough to trigger lasting psychological effects. In contrast, CPTSD develops due to prolonged, repeated exposure to traumatic situations, often where the individual feels trapped or powerless. This includes scenarios like enduring long-term abuse, being held in captivity, or living in areas of sustained conflict. Recent studies add a crucial layer of understanding by revealing that individuals with CPTSD typically experience their trauma earlier in life and often at the hands of known persons, such as family members or acquaintances. This early and intimate nature of trauma significantly complicates the psychological impact and differentiates CPTSD vs. PTSD, underlining the extended and complex nature of exposure in CPTSD cases.


The symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, avoidance behaviors, and marked changes in thinking and mood, alongside heightened reactions to various stimuli. These symptoms primarily revolve around the trauma itself and the individual’s efforts to cope with its memory. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that some individuals may experience PTSD without flashbacks, showcasing the diversity in how PTSD and CPTSD manifest. This variation emphasizes the importance of understanding that PTSD and CPTSD can affect individuals differently, and the absence of one specific symptom does not diminish the validity of their experience.

In contrast, CPTSD extends beyond these symptoms, incorporating issues like severe emotional dysregulation, persistent feelings of shame or guilt, and profound difficulties in forming or maintaining personal relationships. Moreover, individuals with CPTSD often have a distorted perception of the perpetrator, which can manifest as a preoccupation with revenge or misplaced loyalty.

Emotional Impact

PTSD is characterized by significant emotional turmoil, including re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoiding reminders of the trauma, and experiencing drastic mood changes. These symptoms reflect the intense psychological distress triggered by the trauma. CPTSD, however, delves deeper into the emotional fabric of the individual, bringing about enduring feelings of shame, chronic sadness or hopelessness, and a profoundly distorted sense of self and others. This level of emotional dysregulation signifies the pervasive and enduring impact of prolonged trauma on an individual’s emotional well-being.

Relational Impact

While PTSD can make it challenging for individuals to trust others and maintain healthy relationships, the focus is often more on managing the direct symptoms related to the trauma. CPTSD significantly exacerbates these relational difficulties, impairing the individual’s ability to form and sustain close personal connections. The pervasive sense of mistrust, alongside feelings of detachment from others, illustrates the profound relational disruption experienced by those with CPTSD.

Treatment Approach

The treatment for PTSD typically involves evidence-based interventions like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and pharmacotherapy to manage symptoms. CPTSD requires a more comprehensive treatment strategy that not only addresses the symptoms common to PTSD but also tackles the complex emotional and relational issues unique to CPTSD. This may include prolonged exposure therapy, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and specialized interventions to heal relational wounds and rebuild a healthy self-concept.

Diagnostic Recognition

PTSD is a well-recognized condition with clear diagnostic criteria established in major psychiatric diagnostic manuals. This recognition facilitates the identification and treatment of PTSD in various healthcare settings. CPTSD, while increasingly acknowledged within the mental health community, is still gaining recognition in terms of diagnostic criteria. The evolving understanding of CPTSD reflects the ongoing efforts to adequately address the complexity of symptoms and the multifaceted nature of prolonged trauma exposure.

What are the Causes of Complex PTSD?

Complex PTSD develops from prolonged, repeated exposure to traumatic situations where the individual feels powerless or trapped. This condition is deeply rooted in sustained, repetitive traumatic experiences that significantly impact an individual’s psychological well-being. Key causes include:

  • Long-term abuse: This can be physical, emotional, sexual, or psychological maltreatment experienced over an extended period, often in childhood or adult relationships.
  • Captivity: Experiences of being held captive, such as in situations of kidnapping or imprisonment, where the victim has no control over their fate.
  • Exposure to war zones: Living in or being exposed to the harsh realities of war-torn areas, including both the threat to life and the witnessing of violence and death.
  • Recurring domestic violence: Enduring continuous violence within the home, where the place that should offer safety becomes a source of fear.
  • Chronic neglect or abandonment in childhood: Lack of emotional and physical care during the formative years can lead to deep-seated issues related to trust and self-worth.


These traumatic experiences disrupt the fundamental sense of safety and trust in the world, often leading to a distorted perception of self and others. The continuous nature of the trauma prevents the resolution of the traumatic stress, contributing to the complex symptomatology of CPTSD.

CPTSD Treatments

Treatment for complex PTSD typically involves a multifaceted approach tailored to address the wide range of symptoms and underlying causes of the disorder. Effective treatment plans often include psychotherapy, medication, and support groups, among other strategies.

Methods of Treatment

Acera Health offers a comprehensive treatment program for individuals with complex PTSD, incorporating a blend of evidence-based therapies and holistic approaches. Key methods include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): Aims to change negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with trauma.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Focuses on improving emotional regulation and developing coping mechanisms.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Helps process and integrate traumatic memories.
  • Holistic Therapies: Activities like yoga, meditation, and art therapy support overall well-being and recovery.

Complex PTSD Treatment at Acera Health

If you’re concerned about complex PTSD, taking the “Complex PTSD Quiz” is a step towards recognizing your symptoms. However, it’s crucial to consult with a mental health professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. At Acera Health, we’re committed to providing compassionate and effective care for those navigating the challenges of complex PTSD. Our goal is to support your journey towards healing and recovery, helping you to move beyond trauma and reclaim your life. For more information about our programs or to get in touch with our team, please contact Acera Health. Together, we can take the first step on your path to recovery.

Clinically Reviewed by:

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Melody Stone, LMFT

Melody Stone is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has over 17 years of experience in the field of behavioral health. She works as the Chief Clincal Officer (CCO) to Acera Health, where she is a strong leader focused on sustainable success.

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