Acera Health

Trauma Therapy in Orange County

The Path To Sound Mind, Body and Soul

Orange County Luxury Residential Mental Health Facilities

Residential Licenses: #306006072 #306006131

Trauma therapy is a set of treatment tactics aimed at helping a person deal with a traumatic event and its emotional consequences. Acera Health is a premier mental health treatment center with luxury facilities and comprehensive recovery plans.

Our experienced clinical team takes a holistic and personalized approach to trauma therapy in Orange County. To learn more about treatment opportunities, please reach out to our specialists at any time.

Benefits of Trauma Therapy at Acera

Around 70% of adults in the United States experience some type of trauma at least once in their lifetime. Trauma stands behind a significant number of behavioral health and substance abuse disorders. Addressing it as fast as possible doesn’t just improve the patient’s quality of life. It prevents serious mental and physical health consequences.

The key benefits of our comprehensive trauma therapy in Orange County include:

Acknowledging and Understanding the Trauma

Many people can't start coping with trauma because they can't acknowledge or understand it. For many, trauma begins during childhood experiences and continues into adulthood. During therapy sessions, our patients discuss their experiences with a therapist, who guides them to understand and accept their situation.

Coping Techniques and Skills

Teaching our patients coping skills allows them to lead a normal life without struggling with anxiety, intense feelings, sensitivity to certain environmental factors, and more. We bring our patients through all relevant strategies, working out an individual approach that has the highest chance of succeeding. These skills include distraction, behavioral activation, and deep breathing.

Regaining Sense of Self

By talking with our therapists, patients slowly rebuild their sense of self, learning that their actions can still influence things. We want our patients to rediscover the ability to control their lives.

Reducing or Eliminating Trauma Symptoms

Once effective trauma therapy begins, trauma symptoms that impede our patient’s life subside gradually. Because of our holistic approach to treatment, it's possible to eliminate all trauma symptoms.

Dealing with Co-Occurring Disorders

Around 70% of adults in the United States experience some type of trauma at least once in their lifetime. Trauma stands behind a significant number of behavioral health and substance abuse disorders. Addressing it as fast as possible doesn’t just improve the patient’s quality of life. It prevents serious mental and physical health consequences.

The key benefits of our comprehensive trauma therapy in Orange County include:

Types of Trauma Therapies We Use

Successful trauma therapy involves a combination of tactics with an individualized approach to each patient. At Acera Health, we seek to only implement evidence-based therapy options with a proven track record.

EMDR Therapy

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a particular type of structured therapy that helps a patient briefly recall the trauma while experiencing bilateral (two-sided) stimulation. This helps reduce the intense emotions associated with trauma memories by giving a patient something else to focus on. The goal of EMDR is to relieve trauma-associated stress. After several sessions, patients usually stop experiencing emotional distress associated with memories of the traumatic event. This therapy is especially helpful for people who have a hard time talking about trauma because it doesn't involve verbal sharing.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help improve a person's function by adjusting their patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. This type of trauma therapy aims at changing negative thoughts to improve a person's mood and behavior. To address trauma, therapists design a personalized approach with specific techniques. This can include: Exposing the patient to trauma memories in a controlled setting helps them learn how to confront them. Educating patients about traditional reactions to trauma and teaching them stress-management techniques. Assisting the patient to identify and express intense emotions related to trauma and develop healthy ways to deal with anxiety. Helping the patient express a traumatic experience through a narrative. CBT can be useful for several mental health issues. For trauma, we may combine it with EMDR.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

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Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a type of CBT that was initially developed to treat borderline personality disorder. Recently, it proved to be effective in treating the consequences of trauma. DBT for trauma involves learning how to regulate emotions and tolerate distress. It emphasizes acceptance of the patient's thoughts and emotions in order to help them deal with trauma symptoms. Therapists help patients develop the following skills: Mindfulness meditation Distress tolerance Emotion regulation Interpersonal effectiveness Depending on the patient's needs and symptoms, we may combine DBT with CBT or EMDR.

Trauma Therapy Timeline

The success of trauma therapy depends on many factors, including:

In most cases, trauma therapy lasts between 10 and 20 sessions. During this time, a patient can gain valuable skills and learn how to control their emotions. Some patients, especially if they have co-occurring disorders, may require a longer treatment.

See What We’ve Done for Others

Successful trauma therapy involves a combination of tactics with an individualized approach to each patient. At Acera Health, we seek to only implement evidence-based therapy options with a proven track record.

Chris C.
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“Acera Health has led me down a path of self discovery and healing. With the genuine care and support of all their staff, I have unlocked so many skills I never thought I had. With these skills comes the unlocked potential to continue to live the life I have truly always deserved.”
Harriet N.
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“Everyone at Acera is so professional, kind, caring and overall wonderful. Their program helped my son regain his laughter and love of life. After completing the program he has the tools to deal with issues when they arrive before getting overwhelmed. It is so amazing to have my funny, loving, caring son back.”
Spencer A.
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“The short version of the story is that Acera Health saved my life. Hand's down, 100%, no one that knows me would say anything different. I recently completed 145 days of their program, going from PHP down to OP levels of care. I was completely given my life back.”

Trauma Therapy FAQs

Depending on a patient’s preferences, EMDR therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are the most effective treatments for trauma. If the patient is comfortable engaging with a therapist about their past trauma, CBT might be more effective. An advantage of EMDR is that it requires no verbal communication, however.

A person should only consider actually starting their trauma therapy after they have fully acknowledged and understood their past trauma, as well as having developed the coping skills necessary to deal the stress of said trauma.

Though trauma depends on the person, patients often report improved wellness and moods about 10 sessions of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Patients going through EMDR report feeling better in as early as 3 sessions.

On top of physical illnesses like cardiovascular issues, heart attacks, and stroke risks, unresolved trauma can lead to a myriad of mental health issues. These often manifest in such diagnoses as anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Trauma is hard to heal from because it is a natural process that our bodies use to cope with and adapt to the world around us. It’s how our brain lets our body know that a threat is serious. If we don’t react extremely to a situation, it could mean a lower rate of survival, though in modern day trauma often becomes a burden and it’s not always welcome.

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Find Your Path to Healing at Acera Health

Addressing traumatic experiences and their consequences is key to regaining emotional balance and improving quality of life. Acera Health implements the most effective techniques to help patients work through their trauma in a residential setting or on an outpatient basis.

With the right approach to trauma therapy in Orange County, it’s possible to achieve significant results, learn how to control negative emotions, minimize the effects of trauma, and start living a fulfilling life. Acera Health is committed to helping our patients find long-term solutions and management strategies to heal from their trauma.

Contact us to learn more about our program and how we can help.